Friday, October 12, 2012

A Half Marathon and the Pooh Pond

This week sailed right by.  The job is keeping me so busy that I seem to lose track of time and don’t know what day it is sometimes.  Keeping busy also makes the time here pass faster which is a good thing.  It just means that I’ll get home that much quicker!
So, today is Friday, my day off and yet I had to work today.  My goal for the day was to get a 13 mile run in and to go out and take some pictures of our famous “Pooh Pond.”  Well I awoke at 5 am and was on the road running at 6.  I decided to make this morning’s run a full half-marathon distance of 13.1 miles or 21.1 km.  I took my time and ran the distance in about 2 hours and 15 minutes which means I am on a 4:30 marathon pace.  It is pretty neat to run around the airfield because I get to see a wide assortment and variety of aircraft taking off and landing.  From small helicopters to large cargo jets to commercial airliners, this place is always busy with aircraft coming and going.
Now for the Pooh Pond.  The infamous Pooh Pond is actually an open sewage treatment pond.  When the wind is blowing in the right direction, it really adds to the ambiance of this lovely place.  People over the years have placed humorous signs and various things along the edge of the pond, as the pictures will show.  I thought of starting the Pooh Pond Swim Club as something to do in my spare time but, alas, I have no spare time, yet.  When I do, I’ll probably volunteer to be president of the club.  Our uniform will consist of gas masks, hazmat suits, and Speedos pulled over them!  Okay, here are the pictures of the Pooh Pond:

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