Friday, November 9, 2012

18 Days!

Only 18 days until I am wheels-up on my first R&R from this place.  I am really looking forward to it.  Close your eyes and picture me in an airliner seat with a Heineken in each hand and a smile on my face!

I was having supper with a colleague this evening saying how crazy I must be, trying to get ready for a marathon while being deployed in a war zone.  We have a mental health professional coming for a visit soon.  maybe I should see him?  What do you think?  Even though it is a Friday, again another "day off," I've spent most of the day working.  I did sleep in until 0800!  But, I have another busy week to prepare for.  I'll be traveling on a couple of day trips by helicopter, and we are preparing for a Veteran's Day celebration for Sunday.

I'll be running in a Veteran's Day 5km race Sunday morning.  I am going to try and run a long 17 miles later in the day around 4-5 pm so I'll take it easy in the morning race and just try to stay loose.

After having my Yahoo email account for over 12 years without problem, I think my account was attacked by a Trojan horse this week.  Now I've seen emails come my way with strange links in them and I recognize them as being bad.  So, I've been careful not to open them and delete them immediately when I see them.  I don't remember ever opening a link like that in the past but, my account just sent out a bunch of these emails in the past 24 hours.  If you received one of these emails, I apologize.  I guess I'll have to change my personal email address.  If you want to get in touch with me from now on, use my gmail account:

Sorry this is a short post.  I guess I've just been too busy to really plan and create an entertaining post for this week.  18 days!

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